Monday, February 17, 2020

Hello from ME

Greetings human. I mean if you are actually reading this, you must be a human being right? Nope? I may be wrong, You could be a robot too... These days, I can never be too sure. But whatever, I am Qaty. Yes its my name is real life too. I was sent to earth to two very special people, my mama and my papa. I have two brothers. Fast forward a few years, girl meets boy, girl marries boy kind of thing... so yeah I am married to Mr Huffy since 2004 and we have 3 lovely minions Bil (14), Sara (12) and Qibby (9).

Why am I doing this? For the fun of it because I am such a wonderful person...NOT! I just have this funny feeling that I may finally find my self and my calling. lol... like being a Mommy does not fullfill me? Maybe this will be fun time? Lets just see how this goes ya.

What do I do? Like OMG this is such a loooong question to answer. Everytime I ask myself what do i do, and all I get a whole blinking checklist! Its soo long in my teeny tiny head that its just not funny. To simplify it, I work, I parent, I teach, I counsel, I sleep, I exercise, I housewife, ... yikes that didn't come up to a simplified version.

Trying again.....

I work for a company called Mega Water Sports as well as Mega Water Sports & Holidays and also Bisky Bosky Ent. For the love of God if I forget another slave driver I will update. Wait, how do i get to work in different companies? Is it even legal because on top of that I'm also a Mommy???? My life, dear readers , is just like that...

Exercising.... I run (jog, slow run, at least I move). My longest run was a trail run in 2012 for 40KM. I know....thats 2 km short of a full Marathon. But thats just me... in 2020, the furthest I have done is probably just 5km. Short and sweet, like me. I ride bicycles... opss I mean bicycle because 1 road bike was passed down to dear Sara and another road bike is hanging on the wall without a front wheel but I do have a foldie..Mr Brompton is sitting under dust in the store room. So id like to think of myself as a cyclist with partial bikes... I enjoy my bootcamps tho. The sessions I have with the Sierra Warriors are fun. Not as hard as Ukay Warriors..but its ok for me.

I'm no soccer mom. I am trimom. I do not do triathlons. But my kids does, yes, all 3 of them...poor kiddos have training 5 times a week which mommy rushes them to. More entries on kids triathlons will be coming your way.....i hope...

I'm a wife of course to an avid cyclist. He cycles too much too often and I will grumble about it here. Boi can do cycling events up to 600km in 2 days. Mommy needs sleep I watch and grumble. Please do join me in my grumblings.

I'm a teacher...wooohoooo! Qibby loves me soo much that I am his homeschool teacher. Yes, I homeschool and will write about it with a cane? Sorry Cikgu Bedah just crossed my mind.

Since I am based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia... I do hope to write about places to do your thang....and, since my office is also in Langkawi, lets hope for some update for the island.

Alriteyyy.... my student awaits me.

Mommy Qaty

Sunday, November 2, 2014

My first Dualthon

To begin with, saya adalah seorang yang amat malas training. hahha, so its not a surprise for me to have bad timing in this event.

Knowing that I lack training, my biggest concern is post event injury. I have to make sure that i'm a functional mummy come Monday. Which means my body must recover fast.

What happens during a dualthon?
1. You gotta wake up early on a weekend. (lack of sleep)
2. Must eat breakfast. If not I get hunger pangs. Plus Shaklee B Complex & Shakless Sustained Release Vitamin C, Stemtech AFA and Stemflo.
3. Get my stuff and myself to the event venue.
4. Park my bike and put all my transition stuff in the basket.
5. Watch the Sprint event flag off (whilst cursing myself for joining the full event)
6. My fun starts with a 10km run..Telan another set of Stemtech and Stemflo after 1 hour.
7. Transition, makan the chocolate oats that people think its so healthy that they snack on it. Its 150 calories for goodness sake. Bukak kasut, pakai cycling pants, put on cycling shoes...minum, telan food...
8. Cycle for 60 km...ok, it was reduced to 54km...:P up and down and up and down we go....weeeeeeeeeeee....
9. Run for 8 km...oppss....I was delusional, I seriously thought I was in the sprint event and ran only 5 km....hahahah
10. finished ahead of my Hubster. yeay!!!

Upon finishing, the most important thing is to rest and recover. Dalam being healthy (hahahha, dah lari and cycle sampai tanned...I can claim to do something healthy rite?) banyak muscles were damaged, body wear and tear is simply unavaidable. To speed the process, I gotta consume AFA Stemtech. AFA Stemtech helps to enhance the stemcell production. This will ensure my body is being repaired at a good speed.

Alhamdulillah i'm back to normal the day after...:)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Energizing Soy Protein

Lebih popular dengan nama Shaklee ESP.

ESP merupakan satu-satunya produk yang available di pasaran yang menjamin penyediaan 9 asid amino yang tidak dapat dihasilkan oleh tubuh manusia. Ia turut diperkaya dengan 5 sumber vitamin dan 4 sumber mineral. Sangat sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur.

ESP has low Glycemic index (GI) at 39. Making it suitable untuk pesakit kencing manis.

ESP ini diiktiraf seluruh dunia kerana ianya mempunya kajian klinikal yang amat extensive dan comprehensive. Ianya mempunya protein yang berkualiti tinggi. Kacang soya yang digunakan adalah non-GMO (bukan dimodifikasi genetiknya). Ianya diproses pada suhu yang rendah. Satu canister ESP adalah 850g. Yang mana dihasilkan dari 30kg kacang soya. Therefore my friends, it is able to provide you with instant energy which lasts for a long time.

Retail price RM150.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

My Journey

So, my target was to look like I was not pregnant.

Susah ke? Tak la senang sangat. after all I am already in my 30's. And not so early 30's anymore. Whereby metabolism is not at its peak, body pun ada macam2 lorong sempit.

What did I do......

I maintained the the gym, but I adjusted my diet. I began taking supplements. To make adjustments in my body.

I took Shaklee Herblax to detox and clearkan usus yang tersekat-sekat tu. 4 biji, pada jam 2 petang. Because this timing works for me. Pada jam 6 pagi seterusnya, akan melaburlah dengan meriahnya. I like it because I rasa, my perut ni memang dah banyak kotoran degil yang melekat2. So its about time untuk ianya berambus...nyah kau! :) But I ambik ni pun once a week jer

For everyday detox, I took Shaklee Alfafa Complex, or as a good friend says its Alfa alfa. Kajian klinikal telah membuktikan bahawa penggunaan Alafafa Complex ni secara berpanjangan akan menghampuskan lemak, mengurangkan cholesterol, mencegah penyakit jantung, strok dan darah tinggi. Why, because Alfafa has these thing called seponin, yang function macam sponge menyerap kolestrol. :) Setahun, mengamalkan Nescafe 3 in 1 telah Berjaya membuatkan tahap cholesterol saya meningkat ke borderline level. :P Ditambah lagi dengan pengambilan mocha praline Frappuccino kegemaran saya...

Makan tu perlu. Sebab kalau tak makan kita akan jatuh sakit. Tak percaya? tanyalah saya..been there done that. Dah la exercise selalu, kenalah makan makanan seimbang. Bukan boleh suka2 ignore certain class of food. So, to make up...I ambik Shaklee Lecithin. Lecithin ni bertindak sebagai tukang cuci dalam saluran darah, ianya membantu mengemulsifi dan metabolism lemak, kolestrol dan trigliserid di dalam badan.

Selain itu, I pun ambik Shaklee Omega Guard. Once a day 3 capsule at a time. Omega membantu dalam pengurangan kolestrol dalam badan. I believe that cholesterol jugaklah penyangak dalam bahgian abdomen jadi sudah tiba masanya for me to get rid of it.

In the morning, for breakfast, I took Cinch Shake. Mula-mula ambik the recommended dosage, 2 scoop. But then, to make it economical, I reduced to 1 scoop + 2 spoons of ESP (Energizing Soy Protein). My favourite flavor is café latte. This shake works well for everyday as well as for my running event breakfast. Kalau tak minum ni, bila lari 10 k ke, 21 k ke..mesti kena hunger pang. Which makes me lose concentration. Since mengamalkan this shake, i'm so much better. No more crazy hungry.

Apa lagi.....erm....bila dah lepas lunch, untuk mengelakkan rasa lembab. I minum cinch tea. Satu sachet tu, I tak buat untuk 1 gelas. because I also need to increase water masuklah dalam 1 botol 750ml. This will increase metabolism, thus taklah mengantuk bagai....An active body, will help me to burn calories faster kan.

So this was my 360 change. From no supplements to...well,this! And as I have chosen a natural product, there was no bad side effects and I was happy with the result.

Introduction - part 2

Kenapa introduction pun sampai ada part 2.

Bukan pasal its sooo long untuk dibaca. But instead, its taking me so long to write it.

So, here goes.

As much as I have tried to eat healthy. Cuba kurangkan bahan kimia dalam amalan pemakanan. And so on as per part 1 ;). Keputusannya amatlah mendukacitakan.

There I was, hitting the gym 3-5 times a week, counting my calories...just I ended up looking pregnant. I was so bloated that although I woke up in the morning with a relatively flat tummy, by lunch time I looked like I was 3 months pregnant.

Apa yang paling menyakitkan hati...was..

Naik life, serempak dengan a colleague, she's one of those sweet ones but bitchy bitch kindda colleague. She asked if I was pregnant. when I said no, she insisted that I was saying its nothing to be ashamed about. I said of course I wouldn't be ashamed, I am after all already a mother of 3.
And this my friends.....went on for days...3 days to be exact.

I was sooo stressed up. Not knowing what went wrong. So, my decision....360 degrees change.

And that's where I am now...not too bad I would say...Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


There's just too many people promoting supplements. Mostly in Facebook, ye ke???
Ntahlah, but my timeline selalu sangat penuh dengan promotions for supplemets...Qaseh la, Shaklee la, Stem cell double ntah pape lagi....macam2.
I'm so tired of reading them. So here goes!

Bila pilih nak makan supplement kan...mesti kita nak pilih untuk keadaan kita. Pas tu mesti nak pilih yang reputable..yelah kan..nak masuk mulut, nak jadi darah daging...takkan nak makan sampah or racun kot.

For me, I have chosen a few supplements that I feel sesuai with my objective and also my budget. But above all, jangan la depend on supplements tu semata2. Crazy or what? Eat good food la.

Here's some ways of my ways of healthy eating. Habits of healthy eating.

1. Buy organic. hahahaha...mahal la! ok, cerita dia mcm ni, I bukannya tukang masak yang terer. I cook semata2 nak survive. for example, sayur kobis. Yang biasa satu bunga RM1 lebih jer besar plak tu, yang organic rm 4 kecik plak tu. Untuk rumah I, yang organic tu skali makan habis. Alhamdulillah..tiada pembaziran, yang besar tu, kena makan a few times. Hari isnin makan, takkan nak masak masaklah minggu depan..time tu plak dah layu sikit, buang punya buang...tinggal sikit jer, tak cukup untuk sekali makan. fed up! tak masak pun, simpan balik...basuk. hahhaha...kan dah rugi kat situ.

2. Cannot eat, drink it! - Malas nak potong sayur n buah? I buat juice. Tapi juicer I pakai yang best. Single gear masticating juicer. Sekadar central frugal, I malas la....(ceh! eksyen konon). Nanti I cerita pasal juicer lain kali k...Kami sekeluarga (maksudnya, kami suami isteri dan anak2) tapi kali ni termasuk mak n pak suami n isteri sekali...mengamalkan juicing. sekali juice lebih kurang 3 carrot besaq, 2 timun, 3 apple hijau, 3 batang celery, secekak bayam, 2 apple merah...dlll....minum utk 2-5 orang, bergantunglah pada lokasi juicer tu, rumah I ker, rumah my mom ke my mil ke...kandungan rumah lain2.

3. Kurangkan processed food. Tak perlulah nak beli hot dog, nuggets everyday. Kalau kita tahu daging apa yang dia pakai...confirm, tak masuk bakul k!